Microblading services
Frequently Asked Questions
Microblading 6D ist der Prozess der Implantation kosmetischer Pigmente in die obere Hautdermis mit einem manuellen Handwerkzeug, um das Aussehen von Naturhaaren zu schaffen.
Microblading von Swiss Happy Brows sorgt für knackige, dünne Linien, die sich nahtlos in Ihr echtes Haar einfügen. Microblading soll eine subtile, natürliche Verbesserung sein, um die Illusion von volleren Augenbrauen zu schaffen. Es ist die perfekte Lösung für diejenigen, die vollständig rekonstruieren, definieren, Lücken schließen oder gezupfte Augenbrauen ausfüllen möchten. Wir verwenden nur die höchste Qualität von veganen Pigmenten sowie sterile Einwegnadeln. Die Ergebnisse halten je nach Hauttyp und Lebensstil zwischen 1 und 3 Jahren an.
Natürliche, realistische Ergebnisse
Ideal für normale/trockene Haut
NICHT Ideal für extrem fettige dicke Haut mit grossen Poren
NICHT ideal für sehr spärliche Augenbrauen
Microblading 6D is the process of implanting cosmetic pigments into the upper dermis of the skin using a manual hand tool to create the look of natural hair.
Microblading from Swiss Happy Brows creates crisp, thin lines that blend seamlessly into your real hair. Microblading is said to be a subtle, natural enhancement to create the illusion of fuller eyebrows. It is the perfect solution for those who want to fully reconstruct, define, fill in gaps or fill in plucked eyebrows. We only use the highest quality vegan pigments and sterile disposable needles. The results last between 1 and 3 years depending on skin type and lifestyle.
Natural, realistic results
Ideal for normal/dry skin
NOT ideal for extremely oily thick skin with large pores
NOT ideal for very sparse eyebrows
Personen, die anfällig für Keloide, superdünne Haut, Rosazea oder postentzündliche Hyperpigmentierung sind. Da beim Microblading die Haut mit winzigen Nadeln durchstochen wird, können wir unseren Service in diesen Fällen leider nicht anbieten. Pulvertechnik wird manchmal als alternative Methode von Fall zu Fall empfohlen.
Personen mit übertragbarer Bluterkrankung wie HIV oder Hepatitis. Beim Microblading werden winzige Schnitte in die Haut vorgenommen. Diese Bedingungen beeinflussen stark das Immunsystem und den Heilungsprozess von Einzelpersonen, sodass wir in diesen Fällen zu Ihrer Sicherheit keine Behandlung durchführen können.
Wenn Sie Botox/Filler im Stirnbereich hatten. Wir empfehlen, das Microblading zuerst durchzuführen! Alternativ empfehlen wir Kunden im Allgemeinen, 4 Wochen nach der Botox/Filler-Behandlung zu warten, bevor sie ein Microblading in Anspruch nehmen.
Personen, die sich einer aktiven Chemotherapie unterziehen.
Wenn Sie irgendeine Art von Hautstörung in der Nähe Ihrer Augenbrauen haben, z.B. Ekzeme, Gürtelrose, Hautausschläge oder ähnliches.
Personen mit sehr fettiger Haut. Menschen mit sehr fettiger Haut und grossen Poren sind keine guten Kandidaten für Microblading. In Fällen mit weniger fettiger oder Mischhaut kommen andere Techniken in Betracht, die wir im Studio anbieten.
Persons under 18 years of age
Pregnant or breastfeeding people
People with dark, pre-existing eyebrow tattoos. If you have such a tattoo, send us an email with a picture of your eyebrows without makeup or book a free consultation.
Please make sure you are healthy enough to get a tattoo before booking an appointment! If you have concerns about whether or not microblading is right for you, please consider booking a free consultation.
People prone to keloids, super-thin skin, rosacea, or post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. Since the skin is pierced with tiny needles during microblading, we are unfortunately unable to offer our service in these cases. Powder technique is sometimes recommended as an alternative method on a case-by-case basis.
People with a communicable blood disease such as HIV or hepatitis. Microblading involves making tiny cuts in the skin. These conditions severely affect the immune system and the healing process of individuals, so for your safety we cannot provide treatment in these cases.
If you have had botox/filler in the forehead area. We recommend doing the microblading first! Alternatively, we generally recommend customers wait 4 weeks after botox / filler treatment before using microblading.
People undergoing active chemotherapy.
If you have any type of skin disorder near your eyebrows such as eczema, shingles, rashes or the like.
People with very oily skin. People with very oily skin and large pores are not good candidates for microblading. In cases with less oily or combination skin, other techniques that we offer in the studio can be considered.
People under 18 years of age
Pregnant or breastfeeding people
People with a dark, pre-existing eyebrow tattoo. Should you have such a tattoo, send us an email with a picture of your eyebrows without makeup or book a free consultation.
Please make sure you are healthy enough to get tattooed before booking an appointment! If you have any concerns about whether or not microblading is an option for you, please consider booking a free consultation.
Swiss Happy Brows offers free advice to all potential customers. We will deduct the full amount of CHF 25 for the consultation from the treatment costs. (This does not apply if you already benefit from a discount on the treatment). We understand that the process can be daunting and we want to ensure that all of our customers feel comfortable with their decision. Any questions or concerns you may have will be answered during your consultation.
During your consultation, your specialist will discuss with you your goals, lifestyle, the shape of your existing eyebrows, and the problem areas you would like to address. Bringing reference photos of your desired forehead shape is recommended and very helpful. Your specialist will advise you and show examples of forehead shapes that suit you. If you have questions about which procedure to choose, your specialist can direct you to the best option for you.
If you have any concerns, please feel free to contact us – we will help you decide on a treatment plan that works for you.
Pre-treatment consultations are not mandatory for microblading. When you feel ready, you can book your procedure and your specialist will go over all of the above at your appointment.
Swiss Happy Brows offers free consultation to all potential customers. The amount to pay to cover the basic cost of CHF 25.- will be fully discounted on the price of the treatment. (This does not apply to special discounts on the treatment itself). We understand the process can be daunting, and we want to make sure all of our customers are comfortable with their decision. Any questions or concerns you may have will be answered during your consultation.
During your consultation, your specialist will discuss with you your goals, your lifestyle, the shape of your existing eyebrows and the problem areas you want to address. Bringing reference photos of your desired forehead shape is recommended and very helpful. Your specialist will advise you and show you examples of forehead shapes that suit you. If you have any questions about which procedure to choose, your specialist can direct you to the best option for you.
If you have any concerns, please feel free to contact us – we will help you decide on a treatment plan that works for you.
Pre-treatment consultations are not mandatory for microblading. When you feel ready, you can book your treatment and your specialist will go through all of the above at your appointment.
If you have reference photos, please bring them with you to your appointment.
Please do not thread/wax/tweeze your eyebrows before your appointment. Your specialist will design your eyebrows for you during your appointment.
Do not take medications that may thin your blood (i.e., asprin, ibuprofen, fish oil, vitamin E) for 48 hours before or immediately after your treatment.
Stop taking retinol products 72 hours before your appointment.
Do not drink alcohol for at least 48 hours before your procedure.
Avoid caffeine on the day of your appointment.
Failure to do the above can result in bleeding, which will affect how well your body retains pigment.
If you have reference photos, please bring them with you to your appointment.
Please do not fade / wax / tweeze your eyebrows before your appointment. Your specialist will style your eyebrows for you during your appointment.
Do not take drugs that may thin your blood (ie asprin, ibuprofen, fish oil, vitamin E) – 48 hours before or immediately after your treatment.
Stop taking retinol products 72 hours before your appointment.
Do not drink alcohol for at least 48 hours before your treatment.
Avoid caffeine on the day of your appointment.
Failure to follow the above can lead to bleeding, which will affect how well your body retains the pigments.
Your entire microblading session will last approximately 1.5 – 2 hours.
Step 1: We take photos of your natural eyebrows.
Step 2: Then we disinfect the forehead area with an alcohol block.
Step 3: Your specialist will then take a photo using a brow symmetry app to measure the eyebrows.
Step 4: Then your desired forehead shape is mapped onto your eyebrows using an eyebrow pencil.
Step 5: You and your specialist agree on your new perfect shape.
Step 6: Photos are taken and then your forehead area is numbed (you can skip this step).
Step 7: The waiting time for the anesthetic cream is 15 minutes. Meanwhile, your specialist will inform you about the aftercare.
Step 8: The microblading procedure begins and takes about 1 hour to complete.
Step 9: Done! A photo will be taken of your new eyebrows and you're good to go!
Your entire microblading session will last around 1.5-2 hours.
Step 1: We take photos of your natural eyebrows.
Step 2: Then we disinfect the forehead area with an alcohol block.
Step 3: Your specialist will then take a photo with a brow symmetry app to measure the eyebrows.
Step 4: Then your desired forehead shape is mapped onto your eyebrows with an eyebrow pencil.
Step 5: You and your specialist agree on your new perfect shape.
Step 6: Photos are taken and then your forehead area is numbed (you can skip this step).
Step 7: The waiting time for the numbing cream is 15 minutes. In the meantime, your specialist will inform you about the follow-up care.
Step 8: The microblading process will begin and it will take about 1 hour to complete.
Step 9: Done! A photo is taken of your new eyebrows and you're ready to go!
We only consider your treatment complete when you have received the perfect care. Therefore, we only offer two-session packages.
The touch-up session will be conducted 4-5 weeks after your initial appointment. At this appointment, your specialist will assess how your skin has healed and perfect your eyebrows accordingly.
Microblading is a semi-permanent procedure. Therefore, it will gradually and naturally fade to varying degrees over time - this is the nature of microblading. A touch-up or “refresher session” is recommended at least once a year to keep the eyebrows looking their best. Please pay attention to our current special offers for regular customers!
We only consider your treatment to be complete when you have received perfect care. Therefore we only offer packages with two sessions.
The touch-up session will be held 4-5 weeks after your first appointment. At this appointment, your specialist will assess how your skin has healed and perfect your eyebrows accordingly.
Microblading is a semi-permanent process. Hence, it will gradually and naturally fade to varying degrees over time – this is the nature of microblading. A touch-up or “refresher session” is recommended at least once a year so that the eyebrows maintain their optimal appearance. Please pay attention to our current special offers for regular customers!
7 to 14 days for complete healing
There is no “downtime,” but your eyebrows will appear dark and patchy for the first 7 days. If you have to attend an important event, we ask you to postpone the treatment until later. You can also avoid using makeup or skin care products on the eyebrow and forehead area for 7 days.
The final result will appear after 5 to 10 weeks.
As the skin goes through the natural healing process, your eyebrows will look patchy and the color will appear muted. This is completely normal and expected. The color of your new eyebrows will be softer by up to 40 to 50 %. That's why it's crucial to come back within the suggested time for your touch-up session!
7 to 14 days for complete healing
There is no “downtime”, but your eyebrows will appear dark and blotchy for the first 7 days. If you have to attend an important event, we ask that you postpone the treatment until later. You must also refrain from using makeup or skin care products on the eyebrow and forehead areas for 7 days.
The end result will appear after 5 to 10 weeks.
As the skin goes through the natural healing process, your eyebrows will look mottled and the color will look muted. This is completely normal and expected. The color of your new eyebrows will be up to 40 to 50% softer. So it's crucial to come back for your touch-up session within the suggested time!
Please be patient as it may take up to 5-10 weeks to achieve the final result.
Please follow these instructions to ensure proper healing and color retention. Please note that the color may appear darker for a few days after your treatment. Don't worry, this is temporary. The color will slowly soften and appear more natural as it heals, we promise! It is normal for individual pigments to come off. Fading or loss of pigment may occur during healing and is to be expected, especially after your first treatment! Let them fall naturally.
Rinse your forehead very gently with a pH-neutral scented soap (Cetaphil) and warm water. Remove all soap. Pat the area dry with a clean cotton pad and apply a very thin layer of aftercare cream. Avoid exposing the area to water for an additional 7 days, other than the normal required post-care cleaning process. Repeat this step every hour for the first day of your procedure until you go to sleep.
For normal/oily/combination skin: Apply ointment 3x daily
For dry skin: Apply ointment 5x daily
Note: Customers with dry skin should place plastic wrap over their eyebrows overnight (after applying the ointment) to protect the eyebrows from drying.
FOR THE NEXT 7 DAYS you can carry out normal facial hygiene. Apply the cream after washing your face or showering. DO NOT use a peeling!
For the NEXT 7 DAYS, please AVOID:
Scratching the microblading areas
ALL creams (except the one for after-treatment)
ANY makeup in the treated area
ALL fitness activities (including Pilates, yoga and physical exertion)
ANY activity that involves heavy sweating (hot showers, hot or dry sauna, pools, hot tub)
Sunbathing and tanning beds
Any laser or chemical treatment and/or peels
Creams containing Retin A, glycolic acids or Renova
Facial treatments of any kind (2 weeks)
Eyebrow plucking or waxing (2 weeks)
For the NEXT 30 DAYS, please DO NOT:
Light therapies
Chemical bowls and laser bowls
fruit acids
Antiobotics (may cause faster pigment fading)
Hormone therapy (may cause faster pigment fading)
Please be patient, as it can take up to 5-10 weeks to reach the final result.
Please follow these instructions to ensure proper healing and color retention. Please note that the color will appear darker for a few days after your treatment. Don't worry, this is temporary. The color will slowly soften and appear more natural as it heals, we promise! It is normal for individual pigments to come off. The fading or loss of pigment can occur during healing and is to be expected, especially after your first treatment! Let them fall off naturally.
Rinse your forehead very gently with a pH-neutral scented soap (Cetaphil) and warm water. Remove all of the soap. Pat the area dry with a clean cotton pad and apply a very thin layer of the aftercare cream. Avoid exposing the area to water for an additional 7 days other than the normal required cleaning process after care. Repeat this step every hour for the first day of your treatment until you go to sleep.
For normal / oily / combined skin: apply aftercare cream 3 times a day
For dry skin: apply aftercare cream 5 times a day
Note: Customers with dry skin should place plastic wrap over their eyebrows overnight (after applying the cream) to protect the eyebrows from drying.
FOR THE NEXT 7 DAYS, you can do normal facial hygiene. Apply the cream after washing or showering your face. DO NOT use a peeling!
Please AVOID for the NEXT 7 DAYS:
Scratching of the microblading areas
ALL creams (except those for post-treatment)
ALL makeup in the treated area
ALL fitness activities (including Pilates, yoga, and physical exertion)
ALL activities that involve profuse sweating (hot showers, hot or dry saunas, pools, whirlpools)
Sunbathing and tanning beds
Any laser or chemical treatment and/or peelings
Creams that contain Retin A, glycolic acids or Renova
Facial treatments of any child (2 weeks)
Plucking or waxing the eyebrows (2 weeks)
In the NEXT 30 DAYS, please DO NOT:
Light therapies
Chemical bowls and laser bowls
Fruit acids
Antiobotics (can lead to pigment fading more quickly)
Hormone therapy (can lead to pigment fading more quickly)
Microblading is considered semi-permanent. The pigments are designed to fade naturally over time and will not leave your eyebrows looking blue or red like old traditional tattoos. Factors such as skin type, iron deficiency, lifestyle, pigment color (lighter colors fade more quickly), and sun exposure can affect the rate at which these pigments break down. For best results, it is recommended that you follow our aftercare instructions and touch-ups every 1-2 years or as often as necessary. Microblading requires at least two sessions. Touch-ups are normal and expected.
*Please note that final results cannot be guaranteed as everyone retains and breaks down pigment differently and touch-up appointments are recommended after 4-6 weeks so we can assess and perfect your new semi-permanent eyebrows.
Microblading is considered semi-permanent. The pigments are designed to fade naturally over time and won't make your eyebrows look blue or red like old conventional tattoos. Factors like skin type, iron deficiency, lifestyle, pigment color (lighter colors fade faster), and exposure to sunlight can all affect the rate at which these pigments dissolve. For best results, it is recommended that you follow our follow-up instructions and touch-ups every 1-2 years or as often as needed. Microblading requires a minimum of two sessions. Touch-ups are normal and expected.
Please note that the final results cannot be guaranteed as everyone retains and degrades the pigments differently and we recommend touch-up appointments after 4-6 weeks so that we can evaluate and perfect your new semi-permanent eyebrows.
Allergic reaction
Allergic reactions may occur if the patient cannot tolerate the products used. To avoid this, a sensitivity test should be carried out beforehand. Furthermore, no hyaluronic acid or Botox treatments must have taken place immediately before microblading. Otherwise there would be a contraindication. Due to the fact that microblading is not permanent, the chosen shade may change over the years. Slight red pigments or even a bluish undertone are possible here.
Mild pain
Anyone who is extremely sensitive will feel a slight pain despite the gentle method. Of course, the competence of the cosmetic studio and compliance with hygiene regulations are important. Only those who turn to an experienced professional can ensure that the result is flawless. However, if a beginner is confronted with the method, the fineness of the stitches and the consideration of the natural direction of growth could be carried out in less detail.
Bacteria and germs
At the same time, the treatment room should be sterile so that no bacteria or germs get into the open wounds. Last but not least, all materials, from the microbrushes to the blading pen and the knife, must be disinfected after each use. Finally, the expert scratches the desired color into the top part of the skin, creating tiny wounds. If they come into contact with contaminated tools, there could be serious consequences.
Other complaints
It is advisable to refrain from treatment during menstruation or if you are generally unwell until the symptoms have completely subsided. This reduces the risks of the technology many times over. As a result, beauty-savvy ladies can utilize pigmentation in multiple ways.
Allergic reactions
Allergic reactions can occur if the patient does not tolerate the products used. To avoid this, a sensitivity test should be carried out beforehand. Furthermore, no hyaluronic acid or botox treatments must have been taken immediately before the microblading. Otherwise there would be a contraindication. Due to the fact that the microblading is not permanent, the chosen shade could change over the years. Light red pigments or a bluish undertone are possible here.
Slight pain
Those who are extremely sensitive will feel a slight pain despite the gentle method. It goes without saying that the competence of the cosmetic studio and compliance with hygiene regulations are important. Only those who turn to an experienced professional can ensure that the result is flawless. If, on the other hand, a beginner is confronted with the method, the delicacy of the stitches and the consideration of the natural direction of growth could be done in less detail.
Bacteria and germs
The treatment room should be sterile so that no bacteria or germs get into the open wounds. Last but not least, all materials, from the micro brushes to the blading pen to the knife, must be disinfected after each use. Finally, the expert scratches the desired color into the topmost part of the skin, creating the smallest of wounds. If they come into contact with contaminated tools, serious consequences could arise.
Other discomforts
It is advisable to refrain from treatment during menstruation or if you feel generally unwell until the symptoms have completely subsided. This reduces the risks of the technology fundamentally. As a result, beauty-loving ladies can take advantage of pigmentation in several ways.